5 Safe Fly Fishing Techniques

Learning how to fish is a rewarding experience. Whether you are using a fly rod, spinning reel or baitcaster, there are many techniques and tricks to help you catch more fish. Below are five safe fly fishing techniques to help keep the fish biting. 


 Trolling involves using a weighted line to cast out and then let your lure sit motionless in front of the boat. You use a spincast reel to retrieve the bait. There are many different types of lures for trolling; however, most commonly they consist of shrimp or worms. The goal is to fish with finesse and keep the lure moving throughout the water. If the lure drifts completely underwater, increase the weight of the line so that it does not sink. It is recommended to troll with a small amount of current to prevent the lure from becoming snagged on weeds or rocks in the bottom of the river.


 Casting involves using a weighted rod and letting the line drift across the surface of the water. Once the lure reaches the desired depth, you slowly pull it back toward the boat. Casters should try to cast in places where the stream is shallow enough to allow the lure to reach its full length without hitting any obstructions.


 Jigging refers to casting a lure while flipping it over the head of the angler. It is known to be effective for catching striped bass, perch, and walleye. To jig properly, you need to flip the lure up and down just like throwing a baseball. When doing this, make sure that the lure goes straight ahead before flipping it up. Most often fishermen use soft plastics and crankbaits when jigging.


 Spinning is probably the easiest method of fly fishing. All you have to do is cast a weighted line behind you and then gently push forward until the lure hits the desired depth. Once it lands on the bottom, you let go of the line. Spinners can be used effectively for bass, trout, and salmon. However, it cannot be used in rivers or lakes because the water absorbs some of the spinning action.

Fly Fishing

 Fly fishing is similar to spinning except that the line is attached to a floating fly instead of a lure. Fly fishermen can target grasshoppers, mayflies, caddis flies, stoneflies, and damselflies among others.

get more fishing topics here https://guerrillaflyfishing.com


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